Tag Archives: California



  • I’m disappointed in a few of my poet friends. (Should I be surprised?) No. That’s how artist can be sometimes and Speech and debate performers for that matter, so I’m use to this disappointment. I must remind myself, that it’s their loss and they are artist who do not want their career to grow like mine. So fuck it!
  • There’s this perpetual feeling that swings back and forth in my chest. I am far too busy for a relationship, to give myself to a man. But then there is that sinking feeling. Watching others pair up and I just feel like that unicorn in my childhood Noah’s ark book, sitting alone on a rock, watching the water climb up. I know its morbid but what happens when all my family dies, when uncles and aunts are gone, when my parents leave this life? I’m starting to understand the true need to find someone and it’s kind of sad all around. That we cannot fathom being alone so we must pair up with another, settle for someone else to create our happiness instead of it being the other way around. I think about my professor and how he says how thankful he is for his wife and all the shows she goes to with him. And I don’t have that. Not right now anyways. But then it begs the question, do I want to settle? No.

And so continues the never-ending cycle and the thoughts of loneliness

  • I’m moving soon. Leaving the midwest (for now) and returning to California. Going to teach high school, coach some speech and work on my writing. I’m nervous to leave all my friends and a city that has been so good to me. But it’s time. Time to try a bigger stage for my poetry. I’m ready for this. (I hope)
  • I had a nice chat with my poetry professor yesterday. He spoke some wonderful words to me about my work and how I will make a wonderful teacher. (I needed that) As you’ll (who read) notice I’ve been a bit down on myself and my work. I need a boost, because I was really doubting my work recently. Today I’m feeling better. I’m working on a poem that means a lot to me and I’m hoping to have it done for workshop tomorrow.
  • When I return home to California I’ll be 25-years-old. I’m transiting into who I will be for the rest of my life. I’m really proud of myself. 9-year-old Sally would have never thought I would end up here. A writer, an English major and almost done with school. But thinking about grad school. These were once just silly dreams of mine, from a “special kid.” I don’t feel disable very often.

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Filed under Dating, Disability, Friends, Home, Life, Love, my writing, poetry, school, Struggles, Teachers, thoughts

Midwest is calling my name…Sally come drink….Sally come be naked..or just sleep. Yeah lets sleep.


I have a an hour to kill at the airport and it took all my will to not buy a drink at the bar here. I fought all my will power and common sense that I should buy myself a drink. But I did have to promise myself I can have a few drinks tonight once I’m back in town.

Now lets hope I don’t pass out…I’ve been feeling rather exhausted lately and I’m not sure why. I time finals and the non-stop traveling and working has finally done me in. I cannot wait to just sleep back in my large bed!

Also my little coffee-house and my poetry! I’ve taken two weeks off from writing. not like I haven’t been stewing in some thoughts. Also found a few rather interesting websites as well that will definitely help my work.

Films I watched over my winter break:

*First time being watched (the rest I’ve seen probably too many times)

  • Jaws
  • Lord of the RIngs: The fellowship of the Ring
  • Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
  • The Hobbit: The Unexpected Journey
  • *The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
  • *Milk
  • *Lincoln
  • *Monsters University
  • Elizabeth: The Golden Age
  • Some Like it Hot
  • Sound of Music
  • *Wolverine
  • *Star Trek: Into Darkness
  • Elf

I’m also in the process of buying a few more books. These last few days I’ve been looking over books I may want to buy and I think I’ve almost made my final decision.

Without a doubt I’ll be buying Saints and Strangers by Andrew Hudgins

I’m also thinking about The Red Tent, The Beauty Myth, Cinderella Ate my Daughter, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the NIght-Time, or Delusions of Gender. 

I’m looking at a few more as well, but I’m thinking about those books at the moment.

Also I discovered the new love of my life:

Kentucky Orange Blossom

Dear drink, You have given me life in the form of bourbon. Oh gosh I love you.

Note to Self: 

Some things will never change.

and I should have learned this years ago. Should have figured this out the first time Thrilla lied to me about the first break up. Should have learned the first time I figured out I was just your back-up. I guess sometimes we just have to learn the hard way. Not like any of this has been very hard, or hurtful. It really hasn’t to be honest. I’m more disappointed in a friend, a guy i thought had finally grown into a man during the years I had been awhile.

I learned this trip that the best sex I’ve ever had still is the same guy I first left behind in California.

I’ve grown up, but he has yet to find any balance. I am disappointed in someone I had such raw sexual energy with and more importantly disappointed in a friend I thought was looking out for me. But now I know. And this portion on my post will be a reminder to myself to never go back. Because fuck being someones back up.

So here we go….Bring it Midwest!

I’m ready.

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Filed under Books, Drinking, Hope, Life, List, My house, my writing, sex, single girl problems, thoughts

Sally, Go Home (For Christmas)


This is me trying to be clever…

The five love languages

This guy was reading a book about the 5 love languages.

It came as bit of a shock. I suppose a lot of other people are interested in that short of thing and I guess I just assumed the guy reading the book on the airplane would never be into that short of thing.

The five languages of love:

  • Quality Time
  • Gifts
  • Physical Touch
  • Acts of Service
  • Words of Affirmation

Quality time and physical touch are definitely both the biggest components I need in a relationship. I would also say a bit of words of affirmations as well, but that’s more due to all the guys I’ve currently had a thing with. They have now made this “language” more apart of my life.

I ordered cranberry apple on the airplane. It took all my strength to not order Coke, but I haven’t order Soda on a flight in years, I’ve learned when you ask for drinks, like apple juice, cranberry or tomato juice they give you the whole can. I’ve also learned that when you fly on a smaller plane they tend to not have apple juice. For some reason unknown to me, they never have apple juice, like they ran out on the last flight or apples are few and far between. So I order Cranapple, but did I get the whole can? Nope. And this flight isn’t even that full! I also ate a snickers bar. OHH!! Half way through writing this post the flight attendant came back around and refilled my drink! *I really enjoy me some Cranapple

I still can’t grasp the fact that I’m going to home already. I’m only going to be in town for about two weeks and I wish I had decided to stick around a bit longer but I do need to get back to the Midwest early and focus on my chapbook, last of my classes and memorize my poetry tour set. Wish I could be home longer, but it’s also important that I focus on my poetry and really kick my work into high gear during the New Year.

Ever sense my huge break-up a year ago it’s always really weird to fly home and visit. I’ve been away for so long now it’s like stepping into another world. Especially when I have so many wonderful friends back in the Midwest now. It’s also odd because every time I head home I can feel the changes happening throughout my life. This year so much has happened to me (silly me, that happens every year to everyone)

I went through A LOT of men. Dating, hook-ups, sex and the douche-bags of the millennium.

My kitty-cat passed away I love her very much and I will miss her for the rest of my life.

I found poetry. I met a wonderful professor who really lead me to my voice and has been guiding me and editing my work for almost a year now. I almost cried on Saturday during the final class because I only have one more semester to work with him. I’m very sad knowing this, because he’s helped me so much. More then just poetry, he’s also helped understand my strengths and weakness in all aspects of writing that no one else has helped me with before. I am so grateful.

I lost a friendship. I thought Tina and I would become lifetime best friends. I’m very sad this friendship fell apart but this issue has also reminded me that when I have best friends who are willing to put things aside and talk things out. Tina never truly did this. She patched up a hole in my friendship with her and never even tried with Valerie. Patches have a way of falling apart. You can’t always just keep repairing them and then walking away. I want my best friends to be able to step up when things have gone wrong. I want a best friends who don’t want the friendship to end, so they will do anything to make sure it doesn’t fall apart. Tina has been revealed to be two faced. I’m sadden to realize her friendship with Valerie did seem to mean enough to her. But that’s life. Some friends come and go. I’m thankful for the friends that have stuck around in my life.

I finally miss my job. I really miss the high school and every time I see them it’s never the same. But the kids help. The kids getting excited when they see me, makes me excited and makes me miss being around. I fear I won’t end up in my dream job. I fear I won’t become the head coach. The only thing I can do it put my head down, work my ass off and hope that this fear never comes true.

I’m extremely exhausted. Not sleeping for weeks has finally kicked in. I cannot wait to finally get some well deserved rest. I can’t wait to take a bath! I miss baths, because soaking my neck, back and knees feels so wonderful. Poor sore muscles are dying for some bath time.

I can’t wait to see my friends when I get home. I miss them all to pieces and I need some catch up time!

Note* I don’t think I’m going to be having sex anytime soon. From what I’ve witness the last week or so it’s clear he’s moved onto other…well I don’t know onto what but clearly I’m no longer on option of any short. And this is for the best…lets be real I don’t need anymore hooking up. Ugh I hate no sex and no relationship. It’s like I’m on a stupid diet or something. But shit no more for me…just real cake from now on. Or cookies!

Another adventures, more moments of luck, tears, food, family and friends.

Here’s to changing some more in these next two weeks of my life. I would say I’m nervous, very excited and filled with joy but all I can feel right now is how sleepy I’m feeling. Also I have to Tab a high school tournament this Saturday. That’s going to be a long day, but sushi afterwards and downtown!

I’m home…here we go


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Filed under Dating, Family, Friends, Home, Hope, Life, poetry, thoughts, universe

When God closes a door, he opens a sex dungeon.

Of course after reading my previous post before this one its clear that my Saturday night all the way into half of Sunday was pretty much an ass hat of a shitty time. I mean I haven’t had sex since last month, which was also sex I don’t remember and I threw up and ended up in the wrong bed naked. With an old hook-up that’s fine, but I’m ready for some sober fun sex now.

Today the universe must have heard my prayer because oh fuck! I’m going to be having some crazy ass sex when I get back home to Cali. So if any of you have read my page called, “The Past” you will remember a guy named “the best sex I’ve ever had.” Well, I’m going to be having some more of that awesome sex when I get back into California in two weeks!! Oh holy fucking shit! It’s a dream come true. I have been dreaming of some nasty, hot ass sex and like a fairy tale my dreams have come true.

Now I understand what Cinderella and the Little Mermaid were feeling at the time. Damn.

And it’s funny because I guess he’s been thinking about me for a while now. Since October. Gosh I’m so oblivious. But I looked back and some of our conversations and I’m like oh wow he’s been emailing me to see how I’m doing, etc. I’m a mess that I didn’t notice.

And it’s funny because this week I’ve been complaining that I want sex and I want to have a good time. Also it’s funny because twice this week I have brought “the best sex I’ve ever had guy” up to two of my friends.

But I cannot wait for some sex, motorcycles, food and the beach.

Damn, I’m wet just thinking about it.

Thank you God/Universe/naked good vibes/whatever made this workout


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Filed under good energy, Home, sex, universe

Closed For the Season? (Condoms and other miscellaneous items on my dresser)

Cali (Home)

Sitting on a departing American Airlines flight that will be heading towards California in a matter of minutes, I look out the window. The terminal slowly moves out of view and my fingers curl over plastic arm rests, my heart races and only one thought comes to mind, “shit I should have had sex last night.” What follows can only be describe as the aftermath of a late night party foul. I continue to repeat in my mind, “well there goes sex for a while, and what were you thinking Sally!” With realization setting in, I begin to feel like a recovering heron addict.

I’m rethinking this whole “Closed for season.”

“Closed for Season” Basically means I’ve chosen to compare myself as hunting season. Or like one of my close friends pointed out could mean snow season for snowboarding, skiing, etc.

I’m at that point of the hunting season where everyone is not aloud to hunt. Which allows all the deer to mate, have little Bambi deers and live happily ever after…until Bambi’s mother gets her head blown off by “man” entering the forest. This metaphor seems to make sense up until the multiplying of deer and the head blown off is a bit much…

“Closed for Season” this where I’ve been the past three weeks. Well until Monday….

 Confession number one: I had sex Monday night. With a previous hook-up from last fall. The random drunk hook-up, where I kind of remember. This time I remembered more…cool. This guy is definitly just a hook-up for me. We do get along, we are friends and we have a good time but this one is clearly and always will be just sex, which I’m %100 ok with. Why am I ok with just sex with this one? I don’t think I will ever really understand or answer this question clearly. I have no answer here.

Confession number two: I met up with another past hook-up Tuesday night. We didn’t have sex and that was definitely a struggle for me. Because this guy….oh hot damn does he know what to do. Also I’m pretty positive he could be reading this…..and I know I had sex with someone on Monday and didn’t have sex with you last night. I know exactly what you would say to me, so no need to say it. haha. (This is directed to you, “Damn your good at what your do, so don’t give me that, because it was really hard to not have sex and I can’t say I won’t when I get back to Peoria two months from now.”) haha

Why have a chosen to not have sex with certain people and ok with others?

Reason number one: The guy I slept with on Monday, like I’ve said before, he is just a hook up. I have no other conncetion then a hook-up from him.

 Other guys: After the asshole and bruiser, I have been feeling very used.

(Used isn’t my favorite word in this instance, but it’s the best word to describe the situation.) More so after asshole but bruiser hasn’t left me much hope when it comes to guys too, but I thought that even if asshole and I hadn’t worked out, we would have still became friends. Of course he preferred to disappear all together.

This has left me filling used, slutty and very alone. Now left here with guys, that are friends as well but I carry the same fear of being used for sex.  This is what I feel with this guy. I’m not saying a have any huge feelings for him, because I barley know him, but I have ended liking him more then a fuck and leave situation. Believe me, this was the last thing I ever imagenie would happen with this guy. Never even thought about sleeping with him. But I am, laying in his bed, in his shower making out and it has been a long time since I’ve enjoyed kissing. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this turned on from kissing in a long time.

The fingers through my hair, the kissing of my neck. *Biggest turn on for me* And the kissing of my breast *yet another huge turn on* it’s been a long time since I’ve really just enjoyed these moments, this pre-sex bliss. Then came the moment I decided not to have sex with him. Simply I fear to be used again for sex. I want to know I matter more to someone, even if that is just a good friend.

 Craving deep in my heart right now you be held, to matter to someone.

To see all my guy friends, the way they speak about their girlfriends, the way they speak about the woman they are seeing. Telling me how beautiful she is, how amazing the sex is, how hot she are, how sweet, loving, and how extraordinary talented and bright she is. Geez, I don’t think I have ever had a man say all those wonderful things to others about me or say all those wonderful things to my face.

That’s what I want.

I want to hear wonderful things about me:

About my eyes, hair, hands, freckles, back dimples, my finger prints

 I know I am beautiful. I know I am talented beyond my wildest dreams.  I know I am a sweet, nice girl. I know all these things. Sometimes though, a girl wants to hear it from a guy. Who will look at her so deeply that she feels like she is the only one in the room.

I want to be the only one in the room…

This is what I crave right now and this is why I have stopped myself, well most of the time from having sex with certain guys.

So…here I am. Sitting on an airplane thats headed back to California.

Finally realizing something else…this is the second time I’ve been back since my huge break-up with Vanllia thrilla and around April of last year is when this all started, when he started cheating on me with this other woman. This is when everything in my life kicked into first gear.

This is when my life began to change, before I even knew it.

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Filed under Confessions, Dating, Home, Life, Love, Really Sally? SingleGirlProblems, sex, single girl problems, Struggles

First time home since break-up (Written on the plane)

This will be the first time I’ve stepped foot into California since I found out Thrilla cheated on me.

I’m having serious anxiety over coming home. My chest feels heavy, I’m short of breath and my legs are beginning to shake.

My life is so different now. Yes, I understand we change every year, we are always changing, always developing but I’ve changed drastically in such a short amount of time. I don’t feel like the same girl that left California in August.

I feel older.

My views have shifted,

I understand why people causally date and why many rather not be in a serious relationship.

Because they haven’t found the one.

I know I’ve been saying a lot through my posts in my blog I want to be in a relationship but I’m not sure I feel this way anymore.

Or if I’m going to be in a relationship I wanna be all in and I want the same from them. I want an uncontrollable love. I want deep, out of control love that drives others away but draws us in closer. I don’t think I’ve found the man I want to fall in love with, or they haven’t gotten to that phase for me yet. They haven’t seen me yet, I haven’t seen them yet. Plus there are a few men in my life I would  try to date and feel them out but I’m not sure they’re that into me, or maybe they haven’t noticed me.

All I can say is, we shall see.

But geez I look at love so differently now. I use to be so gung-ho about being with someone, being in love, being content with what I have from someone. But now I see everything about love so differently, or maybe “different” isn’t the right word, maybe I should say I’m just more reality now. I see now when a guy is basically “just not that into me.”  I see the games being played out, the lies being feed to me.

Now maybe I saw this all years ago, maybe the difference now is believe these circumstances to be true, they are no longer myth, but fact.

I’ve been jumping back and forth so recently from desiring a relationship to not wanting anything to do with love, or dating. Not too sure where I’ll land at the end of this all. I guess I’m hoping I’ll meet the right guy who will bring me back to the ground. Until then it looks like my feet won’t be touching the ground anytime soon.

Well, I’ll be home soon, not sure what this winter break will bring and I’m not too sure if I’m ready for everything that’s about to change.

But I’m going to walk into the darkness regardless.

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Filed under Confessions, Dating, Home, Life

In the Midwest, winter time, wearing a dress (About my day blog)

Song of the day: Booty Swing by Parov Stelar 

Book of the Day: The Poet’s Companion by Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux 

Quote of the Day: “Write drunk; edit sober”-Ernest Hemingway”

Today I stick out like a sore thumb sitting in my usually place, drinking my usual hot Raspberry Green tea, with the rim covered by my pink lip stick, , these items are all events that play out almost everyday I’m here, but today, I’m wearing a colorful strapless dress, brown boots and a leather jacket. As my one friend Cassie puts it, “I’m wearing my Cali girl clothes,” i.e. it being the November 29th and freezing outside, here I am in a dress and with legs that are white as hell might I add. Which has now lead to everyone in the coffee to stare at me for what seems to be for minutes at a time, I’m definitely the freak of the coffee shop; but lets get one thing straight! It’s 52 degrees outside! That’s warm, thats shaving my legs wearing a dress weather if you ask me. Stupid midwest cold! I just wanna wear my dresses and feel the sun on my body.

-I’m in a mood. Don’t worry it’s a good mood, it’s a umm, how do you put this? Umm, I’m in a dancing mood, a looking for someone to kiss kind of mood. I’m in such a great mood. Also I’m in the mood to flirt today.

-I’ve also been in a sports mood lately as well. Been watching a lot of sports and trying to get myself back into working out more again and playing on little teams here and there. It’s weird to jump back into soccer after everything that happened with my back and neck injury and I’m also a bit rusty, but shit do I miss sports. I can’t wait to fly my ass home and go dirt bike riding.

-I’ll be heading back home to California Dec. 13th! Cannot wait! I miss home so much right now! Also I’m starting to miss driving my Mustang around, especially down by the beach.

Dreaming of the beach.

-Had my poetry workshop this morning. Now everyone thinks my boyfriend beats me. Ok first of all I don’t have a boyfriend. (the reminder of today I’m single, oddest way to be reminded) Next, I’ve been in an abusive relationship before. But nope after reading a few of my poems everyone in my class thinks I am. And also wrote little notes on the sides of my poems. I’m here if you ever need to talk Sally, I love you, your beautiful.

Great. I mean don’t get me wrong, its to know people do care in this world and stuff but still…damn. But hey the plus side is the poem seemed believable enough. COOL!

Also along with that the workshop went ok. I only got two people to really give me anything to help me on. It’s actually very frustrating and I wish people had better comments about my poems. It was more of a grammar check and a spelling check, which is great to get because I’m a horrible speller but still I would have liked more comments.

Workshop, not as helpful as I hoped it would have been.

-Going to be sending out some poems, and a short story soon. I’m very excited and very nervous.

-The high school I work for in going to be in town. I get to see the kids I work with. I get to watch them perform. I’m so excited. I really can’t wait. I miss them so so so much! It’s amazing how a group of students can really move you and put a smile on your face, but they really can. If you ever want to know who I am, just watch the kids I work with. I can’t wait to see them!

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